Monday, November 19, 2007

Dani has a cold :(

She woke up fine yesterday and did her usual stuff. She walked all around the house, ran, laughed, made a lot of noise and still danced to Soulja Boy. During her nap time, I noticed some coughing. And it was during dinner time that I saw she has runny nose. The poor thing. It's not like she was miserable but she won't be able to tell me if she is or if something hurts. Besides, she is only 15 months so medicine is a big NO-NO. After dinner, I ran the steamer while I held her sitting on my lap. She hated it at first but I made her hold a picture of a Honda Accord and we were kind of discussing stuff about it. That kept her mind away from the annoying steam and stayed on my lap for 25 minutes. At about 11:30 pm, she went to sleep. I hope she gets better. She can't be sick on Thanksgiving Day!

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