Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Good thing I am bored. I have a reason to post. Was it like a month or two since I last posted? Seems like a year. Well, actually it is. [har har] And aside from being bored, I have this little but nagging headache that won't go away. I mean, I woke up and it's there. I thought I had a good night's sleep. *sighs*

About Dani's cold, she has one right now but it has nothing to do with the previous one. That was all about an ear infection. I hope she does not develop one again!

I was offline for a long time. We had a family trip to Philippines for a month. Yeyyy! It was fun. I did a lot of eating. How can you not? There are a lot of restaurants anywhere from fast food to fancy ones.

For the Pinas blog ... please just check my son's blog @ I helped in organizing the pics there so I might as well route you there so I don't have to make another one here.

And if you want to do some serious reading ... please check out my daughter's blog too ... Jaded Heart No More

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